Dr. Konrad Kazimierz Dąbrowski
konrad.dabrowski at newcastle.ac.uk | ![]() |
I am a lecturer in the School of Computing at Newcastle University, where I am a member of the Educational Practice in Computing (EPiC) group.
My research interests focus on structural and algorithmic properties of discrete structures. I am particularly interested in graph structure and algorithms on graphs in restricted graph classes (from both a parameterized and non-parameterized point of view).
I completed my PhD
in 2012, supervised by Prof. Vadim Lozin.
After that, I worked for six months as a research associate supervised by Prof. Daniel Paulusma
and Dr.
George Mertzios, funded by EPSRC grant EP/G043434/1
"Algorithmic Aspects of Graph
I then worked for six months as a research associate supervised by Prof. M.
Demange, funded by ANR grant TODO ANR 09-EMER-010
"Time Versus Optimality in Discrete Optimization".
After that I worked as a research associate supervised by Prof. Daniel Paulusma and Prof. Iain Stewart, funded by EPSRC grant EP/K025090/1
"Detecting Induced Graph Patterns".
After that I worked as a research associate supervised by Prof. Daniel Paulusma and Dr Matthew Johnson, funded by Leverhume Trust grant RPG-2016-258 "Efficient Graph Colouring Algorithms via Input Restrictions".
After that, I worked as a teaching fellow.
After that, I worked as a research fellow supervised by Dr Sebastian Ordyniak, funded by EPSRC grant EP/V00252X/1 "Next Generation of Algorithms for Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)".
Teaching and Seminar Responsibilites
Previously, at Durham:
Volumes Edited
Surveys in Combinatorics 2021,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Gadouleau,
N. Georgiou,
M. Johnson,
G. Mertzios and
D. Paulusma (Eds.)
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 470 (2021)
Cambridge University Press
Journal Publications
Tree Pivot-Minors and Linear Rank-Width,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
J. Jeong,
M. Kanté,
O-j. Kwon,
S-i. Oum
and D. Paulusma,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,
(to appear)
Recognizing Graphs Close to Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Colouring Reconfiguration,
M. Bonamy,
K.K. Dabrowski,
C. Feghali,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 98(1) pp. 81-109
On Cycle Transversals and Their Connected Variants in the Absence of a Small Linear Forest,
K.K. Dabrowski,
C. Feghali,
M. Johnson,
G. Paesani,
D. Paulusma and
P. Rzążewski,
Algorithmica, Volume 82(10) (2020) pp. 2841-2866,
Graph Isomorphism for (H1,H2)-free Graphs: an Almost Complete Dichotomy,
M. Bonamy,
N. Bousquet,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson,
D. Paulusma
and T. Pierron
Algorithmica, Volume 83(3) (2021) pp. 822-852,
Clique-Width for Graph Classes Closed under Complementation,
A. Blanché,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson,
V.V. Lozin,
D. Paulusma
and V. Zamaraev,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Volume 34(2) (2020) pp. 1107-1147
Clique-width and Well-Quasi-Ordering of Triangle-Free Graph Classes,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V. Lozin and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 108 (2020) pp. 64-91
(arXiv:1711.08837) (link)
Clique-Width for Hereditary Graph Classes,
K.K. Dabrowski, M. Johnson and D. Paulusma,
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Volume 456 (2019) pp. 1-56 (arXiv:1901.00335) (link)
Filling the Complexity Gaps for Colouring Planar and Bounded Degree Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 92(4) (2019) pp. 377-393
Hereditary Graph Classes: When the Complexities of Coloring and Clique Cover Coincide,
A. Blanché,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 91(3) (2019) pp. 267-289
(arXiv:1607.06757) (link)
Bounding Clique-Width via Perfect Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, S. Huang and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 104 (2019) pp. 202-215
(arXiv:1406.6298) (link)
Independent Feedback Vertex Set for P5-free Graphs,
M. Bonamy,
K.K. Dabrowski,
C. Feghali,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Algorithmica, Volume 81(4) (2019) pp. 1342--1369
(arXiv:1707.09402) (link)
On the (parameterized) complexity of recognizing well-covered (r,l)-graphs,
S.R. Alves, K.K. Dabrowski, L. Faria, S. Klein, I. Sau and U. Dos Santos Souza
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 746 (2018) pp. 36-48
On Colouring (2P2,H)-Free and (P5,H)-Free Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
Information Processing Letters, Volume 134 (2018) pp. 35-41
Independent Feedback Vertex Sets for Graphs of Bounded Diameter,
M. Bonamy,
K.K. Dabrowski,
C. Feghali,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Information Processing Letters, Volume 131 (2018) pp. 26-32
(arXiv:1707.09383) (link)
Contracting Bipartite Graphs to Paths and Cycles,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
Information Processing Letters, Volume 127 (2017) pp. 37-42
Colouring Diamond-free Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 89 (2017) pp. 410-431
(arXiv:1512.07849) (link)
Well-quasi-ordering versus clique-width: new results on bigenic classes,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V. Lozin
and D. Paulusma,
Order, Volume 35(2) (2018) pp. 253-274
Editing to a Planar Graph of Given Degrees,
K.K. Dabrowski, P.A. Golovach, P. van 't Hof, D. Paulusma and D.M. Thilikos,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 85, (2017) pp. 168-182
Bounding the Clique-Width of H-free Chordal Graphs,
A. Brandstädt, K.K. Dabrowski, S. Huang and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 86(1) (2017) pp. 42-77
(arXiv:1502.06948) (link)
Bounding the Clique-Width of H-free Split Graphs,
A. Brandstädt, K.K. Dabrowski, S. Huang and D. Paulusma,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 211, (2016) pp. 30-39
Combinatorics and algorithms for augmenting graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski,
V.V. Lozin,
D. de Werra and
V. Zamaraev,
Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 32(4) (2016) pp. 1339-1352
(arXiv:1410.8774) (link)
Clique-width of Graph Classes Defined by Two Forbidden Induced Subgraphs,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
The Computer Journal, Volume 59(5) (2016) pp. 650-666
(arXiv:1405.7092) (link)
Editing to Eulerian Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, P.A. Golovach, P. van 't Hof and D. Paulusma,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 82(2) (2016) pp. 213-228
(arXiv:1410.6863) (link)
Classifying the Clique-Width of H-Free Bipartite Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 200, (2016) pp. 43-51
(arXiv:1402.7060) (link)
Stable-Pi Partitions of Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V.
Lozin and J. Stacho,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 182, (2015) pp. 104-114 (preprint) (link)
Colouring of Graphs with Ramsey-Type Forbidden Subgraphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, P.A.
Golovach and D. Paulusma,
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 522, (2014) pp. 34-43 (preprint) (link)
New Results on Maximum Induced Matchings in Bipartite Graphs and
K.K. Dabrowski, M.
Demange and V.V.
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 478, (2013) pp. 33-40
On factorial properties of chordal bipartite graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V.
and V. Zamaraev,
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 312(16) (2012) pp. 2457-2465 (preprint)
Parameterized complexity of the weighted independent set problem
beyond graphs of bounded clique number,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V.
H. Müller and D.
Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Volume 14 (2012) pp. 207-213 (preprint)
Colouring vertices of triangle-free graphs without forests,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V.
R. Raman and B.
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 312(7) (2012) pp. 1372-1385
Conference Publications
Solving Infinite-Domain CSPs Using the Patchwork Property,
K.K. Dabrowski,
P. Jonsson,
S. Ordyniak
and G. Osipov,
35(5) (2021) pp. 3715-3723 (Proceedings of AAAI 2021)
(arXiv:2107.01428) (link)
Disjunctive Temporal Problems under Structural Restrictions,
K.K. Dabrowski,
P. Jonsson,
S. Ordyniak
and G. Osipov,
35(5) (2021) pp. 3724-3732 (Proceedings of AAAI 2021) (link)
Fine-Grained Complexity of Temporal Problems,
K.K. Dabrowski,
P. Jonsson,
S. Ordyniak
and G. Osipov,
(Proceedings of KR 2020) (2020) pp. 284-293 (link)
Clique-width: Harnessing the power of atoms,
K.K. Dabrowski,
T. Masařík,
J. Novotná,
D. Paulusma
and P. Rzążewski,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12301 (2020) pp. 119-133
(Proceedings of WG 2020)
Independent Transversals versus Transversals,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson,
G. Paesani,
D. Paulusma
and V. Zamaraev,
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88(3) (2019) pp. 585-591
(Proceedings of EuroComb 2019)
Tree Pivot-Minors and Linear Rank-Width,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
J. Jeong,
M. Kanté,
O-j. Kwon,
S-i. Oum
and D. Paulusma,
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88(3) (2019) pp. 577-583
(Proceedings of EuroComb 2019)
Graph Isomorphism for (H1,H2)-free Graphs: an Almost Complete Dichotomy,
M. Bonamy,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11646 (2019) pp. 181--195
(Proceedings of WADS 2019)
(arXiv:1811.12252) (link)
Finding a Small Number of Colourful Components,
L. Bulteau,
G. Fertin,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson,
D. Paulusma
and S. Vialette,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 128 (2019) pp. 20:1-20:14
(Proceedings of CPM 2019)
(arXiv:1808.03561) (link)
On the Price of Independence for Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set and Odd Cycle Transversal,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson,
G. Paesani,
D. Paulusma
and V. Zamaraev,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 117 (2018) pp. 63:1-63:15
(Proceedings of MFCS 2018)
Computing Small Pivot Minors,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
J. Jeong,
M. Kanté,
O-j. Kwon,
S-i. Oum
and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11159 (2018) pp. 125--138
(Proceedings of WG 2018)
(link) (associated source code)
Independent Feedback Vertex Set for P5-free Graphs,
M. Bonamy,
K.K. Dabrowski,
C. Feghali,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 92 (2017) pp. 16:1-16:12
(Proceedings of ISAAC 2017)
(arXiv:1707.09402) (link)
Recognizing Graphs Close to Bipartite Graphs,
M. Bonamy,
K.K. Dabrowski,
C. Feghali,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 83 (2017) pp. 70:1--70:14
(Proceedings of MFCS 2017) (arXiv:1707.09817) (link)
Clique-Width for Graph Classes Closed under Complementation,
A. Blanché,
K.K. Dabrowski,
M. Johnson,
V.V. Lozin,
D. Paulusma
and V. Zamaraev,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 83 (2017) pp. 73:1-73:14
(Proceedings of MFCS 2017) (arXiv:1705.07681) (link)
Contracting Bipartite Graphs to Paths and Cycles,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 61 (2017) pp. 309-315
(Proceedings of EuroComb 2017)
Clique-width and Well-Quasi Ordering of Triangle-Free Graph Classes,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V. Lozin and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10520 (2017) pp. 220-233
(Proceedings of WG 2017) (arXiv:1711.08837) (link)
On the (parameterized) complexity of recognizing well-covered (r,l)-graphs,
S.R. Alves, K.K. Dabrowski, L. Faria, S. Klein, I. Sau and U. Dos Santos Souza
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10043 (2016) pp. 423-437
(Proceedings of COCOA 2016)
Well-quasi-ordering versus clique-width: new results on bigenic classes,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V. Lozin
and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9843 (2016) pp. 253-265
of IWOCA 2016)
Colouring Diamond-free Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
and D. Paulusma,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 53 (2016) pp. 16:1-16:14
(Proceedings of SWAT 2016)
(arXiv:1512.07849) (link)
Filling the Complexity Gaps for Colouring Planar and Bounded Degree Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, F. Dross,
M. Johnson
and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9538 (2016) pp. 100-111
of IWOCA 2015)
Bounding the Clique-Width of H-free Split Graphs,
A. Brandstädt, K.K. Dabrowski, S. Huang and D. Paulusma,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 49 (2015) pp. 497-503
(Proceedings of EuroComb 2015)
Bounding the Clique-Width of H-free Chordal Graphs,
A. Brandstädt, K.K. Dabrowski, S. Huang and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9235 (2015) pp. 139-150
(Proceedings of MFCS 2015, Part II) (arXiv:1502.06948) (link)
Editing to a Planar Graph of Given Degrees,
K.K. Dabrowski, P.A. Golovach, P. van 't Hof, D. Paulusma and D.M. Thilikos,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9139 (2015) pp. 143-156
(Proceedings of CSR 2015)
Clique-width of Graph Classes Defined by Two Forbidden Induced Subgraphs,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9079 (2015) pp. 167-181
(Proceedings of CIAC 2015)
(arXiv:1405.7092) (link)
Bounding Clique-Width via Perfect Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, S. Huang and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8977 (2015) pp. 676-688
(Proceedings of LATA 2015) (arXiv:1406.6298) (link)
Editing to Eulerian Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, P.A. Golovach, P. van 't Hof and D. Paulusma,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 29 (2014) pp. 97-108
(Proceedings of FSTTCS 2014) (arXiv:1410.6863) (link)
Classifying the Clique-Width of H-Free Bipartite Graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8591 (2014) pp. 489-500
(Proceedings of COCOON 2014) (arXiv:1402.7060) (link)
Colouring of Graphs with Ramsey-Type Forbidden Subgraphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, P.A.
Golovach and D. Paulusma,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8165 (2013) pp. 201-212
of WG 2013) (preprint) (link)
Parameterized Algorithms for the Independent
Set Problem in Some Hereditary Graph Classes,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V.
H. Müller and D.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6460 (2011) pp. 1-9
of IWOCA 2010) (preprint)
Colouring vertices of triangle-free graphs,
K.K. Dabrowski, V.V.
R. Raman and B.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6410 (2010) pp. 184-195
(Proceedings of WG 2010) (preprint)
Publications in Preparation
Dynamic Edge-choosability,
K.K. Dabrowski, in preparation (preprint available on request)
Structural Solutions to Maximum Independent Set and Related Problems,
K.K. Dabrowski, PhD Thesis (preprint) (link)
Conferences Organized
Conferences/Meetings Attended
Quotes from various people
Imre Leader
Appreciation Society (mirrored from here)